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Safetalk Suicide Awareness Training
31st May 2017
A Chairde,
St Josephs Glenavy as part of their involvement in the GAA healthy Club Programme are running this amazing training on 31st May 2017 at Ballymacrickett Primary School, 41 Scroggy Road, Glenavy, BT29 4NE commencing at 7.00 pm.
This is a great opportunity for you or your club Health & Wellbeing Officer or safeguarding Officer to avail of an interesting and in...
North Antrim Monthly Meeting - June
1st June 2017
A Chara,
The next monthly meeting for North Antrim will be on Thursday 1st June at 7:30pm in Shamrocks Clubrooms Loughgiel.
Please click here to download Clar
If you can send in any condolences your club wishes recorded, please reply to me with names.
If you are unable to attend can you please let the North Antrim Secr...
North Antrim U8 Hurling Blitz - 4th June
4th June 2017
This weeks U8 Hurling Blitz is on Sunday 4th June in Loughgiel Shamrocks.
Note: All North Antrim U8 and U10 Hurling blitz's start at 10am
Can all clubs wishing to participate please email Paddy Gray pgraybuildingservices@hotmail.co.uk with their club name and how many teams by Wednesday 31st May.
• Fu...
North Antrim U10 Hurling Blitz - 11th June
11th June 2017
This weeks U10 Hurling Blitz is on Sunday 11th June in St Enda's.
Note: All North Antrim U8 and U10 Hurling blitz's start at 10am
Can all clubs wishing to participate please email Paddy Gray pgraybuildingservices@hotmail.co.uk with their club name and how many teams by Wednesday 7th June.
• Full details of...
North Antrim Cultural Officer Meeting
14th June 2017
A Chara,
There will be a North Antrim Cultural Officer Meeting on Wednesday 14th June at 7:30pm in Shamrocks Clubrooms Loughgiel.
If you are unable to attend can you please let the North Antrim Secretary Frank McCarry know.
Agenda as follows;
• Leithscéalta / Apologies
• Friday 7t...
North Antrim U8 Hurling Blitz - 18th June
18th June 2017
This weeks U8 Hurling Blitz is on Sunday 18th June in McQuillan's Ballycastle.
Note: All North Antrim U8 and U10 Hurling blitz's start at 10am
Can all clubs wishing to participate please email Paddy Gray pgraybuildingservices@hotmail.co.uk with their club name and how many teams by Wednesday 14th June.
• F...
Senior Hurling Feis quarter finals on Saturday 24th June
24th June 2017
Senior Hurling Feis Q/F match Cloughmills v Ballycastle has moved to 7:30pm on Saturday in Dunloy, the other match with Shamrocks / Clooney is now off....
North Antrim U10 Hurling Blitz - 25th June
25th June 2017
This weeks U10 Hurling Blitz is on Sunday 25th June in Dunloy Cuchullains.
Note: All North Antrim U8 and U10 Hurling blitz's start at 10am
Can all clubs wishing to participate please email Paddy Gray pgraybuildingservices@hotmail.co.uk with their club name and how many teams by Wednesday 21st June.
• Full ...
North Antrim Coaching and Development Meeting - June
26th June 2017
The next North Antrim Coaching and Development Meeting will be held on Monday 26th June at 7:30pm in Dunloy club rooms.
Can all clubs please send representation to this meeting. If you are unable to attend can you please let the North Paddy Gray know.
If anyone wishes to add anything to the Clar please email me with the details.
Note: Fu...
Senior Feis Hurling Semi-Final (Sat 1st July)
1st July 2017
Saturday 1st July at 7:00pm in Loughgiel
Shamrocks v Ruairi Og